This type of obesity is more typical for men. Doctors call it "cortisol" obesity, as it is often caused by elevated levels of cortisol in the blood. Therefore, before starting physical exercise, go through an examination with an endocrinologist. Sometimes it is enough to adjust the hormonal balance of the body so that fat in problem areas dissolves on its own.

Step 1
You cannot get rid of fat at some local point in the body. Fat is an energy reserve that the body stores for a rainy day. Therefore, you can only get rid of all stocks as a whole.
Step 2
Reconsider your approach to nutrition. If your diet consists of one large meal and numerous snacks throughout the day, it is not surprising that you have problems with lipid deposition in the back and waist. Sit down at the table 5-6 times a day, exclude confectionery from the diet and reduce the total amount of calories consumed by 10-15%. This will be enough for the fat stores to begin to gradually melt.
Step 3
Add the necessary physical activity to the correct diet. The best way to lose all fat is through aerobic exercise. The most effective fat-burning exercise is running at an average pace. The main thing is to run regularly and for at least 40-60 minutes. Do not seek to set a speed record on the track, this increases the shock load on the joints of the legs and on the spine. It is enough just to run in the fresh air at least three times a week.
Step 4
Add low-intensity strength training to your aerobic workouts. The best choice is core exercises performed on a large diameter fitball.
Lie with your stomach on the fitball, legs and back in a straight line, toes resting on the floor. Press your hands to your temples. Lean forward slowly, stretching your back muscles, and then gently lift your torso as high as possible.
Step 5
Lie on the fitball with your back so that it is under your shoulder blades. Bend your legs at the knees and rest on the floor. The hips form a straight line with the body. Raise your straight arms above your chest and lock your fingers. Tighten your abs. Lift your right and left shoulder in turn.
Step 6
Lie down on the fitball with your lower back. The legs are slightly spaced shoulder-width apart and rest well on the floor. Press your hands to your temples. Lift your body up, do not bring your elbows, make sure that they are spread apart. Try not to pull your chin up to your chest, this puts more strain on your neck muscles.
Step 7
Do all core exercises as much as possible. This will dry out the muscles and prevent your waist from expanding. At the same time, these exercises will help to accelerate the burning of body fat.