Nowadays, table tennis is a well-known and very popular sport. There are no age restrictions for such entertainment, the preparation of the participants and their physical data are not important. The meaning of table tennis is clear: you just need to throw the ball with a racket over the net on the table. The rules of the game themselves are quite simple.

What you need to play table tennis
Both two and four participants can play table tennis. To conduct it, you will need to find a ball, table, net and 2 rackets, or go to a gym specially equipped for this game. Its cost may vary, but it is usually small.
Table tennis rules: what is important to know
Before the start of a table tennis game, the players decide who will have the first serve. For this, lots are often used. However, sometimes a series of shots is carried out, as a result of which the player who scored the ball becomes the server. After serving, the ball should fly over without hitting the net, hit the opponent's side and bounce once, and then it can be hit.
The player must be behind the back line of the table with his racket when serving. If, for some reason (usually inexperience), a service was made on the move or over the table, it is regarded as incorrect. If the ball touches the net or its rack during the serve, the service is repeated, but the point is not awarded. In addition to the total time of the game, "re-feeds" are not limited by anything.
Immediately after the ball bounced to the side of the player's table, he needs to hit it back to the opponent's side. This is the whole process of table tennis. This game is held until one of the participants makes a mistake or he manages to hit the ball to the side of the opponent. As a rule, for novice players, rounds pass very quickly, but on the world stage, professional athletes sometimes fight truly fierce battles.
For each player's mistake, his opponent gets one point. In addition, the conditions for obtaining points in table tennis can be:
- the reflection of the ball from the summer (without waiting for the rebound);
- service foul;
- the opponent did not accept the ball;
- reflection of the ball outside the table;
- the opponent touched the ball several times while hitting;
- the opponent caught the ball on the racket and threw it back to the opponent;
- the opponent touched the net while hitting.
The right to serve must pass from one player to another every 2 serves.
The rules of the game of table tennis provide for the victory of the player who managed to score 11 points before the opponent. In this case, the advantage must be at least 2 points. If in the course of the game the score began to equal 10:10, the participants, after each point scored, change the right to serve until they beat the opponent by 2 points. After the game, the participants change sides, as well as the right of first service. The game itself consists of 5-7 such parties.
Table tennis is very energizing and uplifting. There are many tricks and techniques in this game. It is also possible to use professional sports equipment. For example, rackets of different price categories and manufacturers may differ in their parameters, which will definitely affect the game.
It is not surprising that more expensive equipment is more preferable, because it allows you to do various feints and twists, in which you can and should defeat your opponents right from the first serve.