Offense and defense are the backbone of all game sports. In sports, it is important to be able to defeat your opponent with the least damage for yourself, choose the right tactics and go to victory. Attack or defend - everyone chooses their own style of play.

It is necessary
playground, ball, puck and hockey stick
Step 1
A sports game is a sport conducted according to certain rules and involves the rivalry of players or teams in order to win.
Step 2
In sports, except for contact types, it is forbidden to attack an opponent with the use of force. In order to seize the initiative in the course of the game, there are certain techniques and tactics of attack and selection of the ball (or puck) from the opponent. This attack is performed by special players - attackers.
Step 3
Depending on the scheme, there may be several attackers, their number may vary.
Each striker plays in his own area of the field or court. The attacker takes over the play and attacks only when the ball or puck enters his zone.
Step 4
Each player, depending on the sport, has a set of techniques of attacking the players of the other team in order to take the ball or puck.
Step 5
Since in football players are not allowed to use their hands or improvised means, they use various types of strokes, tackles, team attack tactics.
Step 6
Hockey players, on the other hand, do not have the right to play with their feet, so the attack tactics in hockey are different from football and relies on working with a stick.
Step 7
American football involves a team game and a mixed type of attack, the essence of which is that some of the players are attackers, and some are defense, but they can also be attackers if the opponent moves into their zone with the ball.
This sport uses the player's contact technique, but without direct punches.
Step 8
The further course of the game depends on the effective attack.
The referee monitors the observance of the sports rules, he controls during the game whether the players use prohibited methods of direct contact for attack (strikes, trips, etc.).