It is believed that men are more hardy and hardworking. It turns out not always. For example, getting your young man to go in for sports can be so difficult that the situation turns into a serious conflict.

You can say as much as you like that being overweight is unhealthy, but until a man wants it himself, he will not go to the gym. Yet the sacred duty of a woman is to influence and gently guide her soul mate.
Sports as a salvation from obesity
Of course, it's easier to convince a guy to start exercising if he tends to be overweight. Do not think that a bulging belly is the prerogative of retirees. Improper diet and sedentary work can turn a young man into a "paunch".
How to motivate your soul mate if he is clearly overweight? It is worth starting with arguments about health - excess body weight negatively affects the cardiovascular system, which threatens early heart attacks and strokes. In addition, a bulky stomach in a sitting position squeezes the intestines and other vital organs. This leads to various chronic diseases such as hemorrhoids.
It is worth remembering that the motivation for playing sports for a man should promise him benefits. For example, promise your loved one that you will fulfill any of his requests or cherished wishes if he loses weight.
Say how important it is for you to have a healthy man nearby, the father of your future children. In the end, tactfully hint to him that being overweight is a significant hindrance to a vibrant sex life.
Sport as aesthetics
It can be very difficult to get your young man to play sports if he is not overweight. A fast metabolism, burning any number of calories, most often takes away the motivation to exercise.
In such a situation, it is necessary to find an individual approach. You can use other men as an example, just be careful. Or refer to famous actors who, despite their advanced age, look sexy and fit.
You can convince a guy to start exercising by telling him that as he gets older, his thinness will turn him into an unattractive subject. After all, thinness is good only on young people, and with age it ages.
Lead by example
Remember that a man's motivation for sports starts with his woman. It is foolish to nag him about the abdomen or lack of muscles, waving his hand at himself. There can only be a similar girl next to a fit, athletic man.
Start first. Join a fitness club or just start jogging in the morning. Keep your beloved informed of your results, tell what you have achieved over this or that period.
If your man is ambitious by nature, he will definitely want to rise to your level.