Drying is a sports term used by professional bodybuilders. This process is associated with the body burning all excess fat and removing fluid from the body. In fact, it can be called losing weight. Have you stubbornly gained muscle mass all year, but gained it along with fat? "Drying" is a great way to show everyone around your bumpy, muscular body. No wonder you tried.

The desire to work on oneself, great willpower, an intense training program, a strict diet
Step 1
Change your attitude towards nutrition. Abs cubes, embossed arms and chest are forged, first of all, in the kitchen. During the drying process, you should refuse to consume a large amount of carbohydrates and fats, sweets are completely excluded.
Step 2
Losing weight, the body will also lose muscle mass, so you just need to consume large amounts of protein. Both natural products (chicken breasts, lean fish) and sports nutrition (protein shakes) can help you with this.
Step 3
Remember a very important rule: eat more often, but in smaller portions, and not vice versa. This type of nutrition will start metabolic processes that will help speed up metabolism, and therefore weight loss.
Step 4
Change your training plan. It makes sense that the more energy we expend, the more calories we burn. It is according to the rule of their deficiency that the drying process takes place: calories. You have to spend more than you consume.
Step 5
The food described above can help reduce calorie intake, but it is not the only key to success. Workouts should become more intense, more energy intensive. A variety of programs with a lot of basic exercises will help you with this. On non-training days, cardio should be done: jogging, cycling, athletics. Burn all excess weight!
Step 6
Slow exit from "drying". It is known that the most difficult phase in normal weight loss is a careful exit from the diet. The same rule applies in this case. Gradually increase the calorie content of the diet, but in no case at the expense of high-calorie foods, and then proceed to the usual training regimen.
Step 7
Healthy eating should be made one of the basic principles of life, this will help to avoid excess weight in the future.