How To Train Your Legs Correctly

How To Train Your Legs Correctly
How To Train Your Legs Correctly

To achieve a beautiful relief of the legs, it is necessary to regularly work out several muscle groups: gluteal muscles, quadriceps, hamstrings, calves. Stretching should also be kept in mind.

How to train your legs correctly
How to train your legs correctly

Exercises for the buttocks

Basic glute exercises: deadlifts and lunges. They are performed with a barbell because additional weight is needed for muscle growth. If the exercise can be easily done 30 times in a row, it will not give any sense to the muscles, it will only strengthen the cardiovascular system. Many muscle groups are involved in the deadlift, it develops the buttocks very well. However, it must be remembered that it is fraught with injuries; it cannot be performed with injuries of the spine or back.

Stand with your feet wide so that the socks reach the pancakes of the recumbent bar. Lower your pelvis down, spreading your knees to the sides. Grasp the bar with your hands shoulder-width apart, straighten your back, hips parallel to the floor. The lower the hips are, the more load will be on them, and not on the back. Get out of position while pulling the bar upward so that it slides straight along your legs. Make sure that the back is not rounded.

Lunges with legs are done in turn with a barbell on the shoulders or with dumbbells in the hands, lowered down. Place your feet parallel, narrower than your shoulders. The back is straight, look in front of you, bend your knees slightly. Step far forward with one leg, body straight, transfer your weight to your front leg and squat down. The front leg bends at a right angle, and the back knee hangs low above the floor, but does not touch it. Return to the starting position and step with the other foot.

Muscles of the thighs and lower legs

Exercises for quadriceps. The quads are the back of the thigh that extends to the bend of the leg. Do barbell squats to effectively develop this muscle group. Place the barbell on the floor, grab the bar with a wide grip. Feet shoulder width apart, back straight. Smoothly lower yourself, with your knees slightly forward, and your buttocks back and down. The body is tilted about 45 degrees. The heels are firmly on the floor, the head does not fall. Rise to the starting position. For quads, lunges are also great.

To work the front of the thigh or biceps, do the deadlift in the classic version. To do this, put your legs narrowly, squat down slightly, bending your knees. The hips are parallel to the floor. Grasp the bar with an overhead grip and straighten your knees. The bar slides along the shins, the back is straight throughout the entire exercise.

For the calf muscles, do calf raises while standing or sitting. If standing, grab a barbell on your shoulders for extra load. If sitting, you will have to use a special simulator or put some kind of weight on your knees. At the same time, sit on the very edge of the bench, your hips do not lie on it.
