If a person asks the question, what is the main thing for achievements in sports, and asks for advice from people involved in sports, then he will receive many different answers. Some will say that you need a good training program or some kind of mysterious method, while others will point to sports nutrition.

People who go in for sports pursue completely different goals: some are engaged in order to stay in shape and be beautiful, the second - to improve tone and health, while the third strive to achieve high results in sports. The goal that people strive for is not so important, the main thing is that sports nutrition has already taken its niche among both professional athletes and among ordinary people in gyms. Despite this, many people are mistaken in thinking that sports nutrition is only hormonal agents and anabolic steroids, which over time lead to irreversible consequences for the body.
Such a judgment is a consequence of the lack of information in wide circles of the population. Today, the sports nutrition industry is actively developing. Now sports nutrition is not supplements that can harm a person's health, but, on the contrary, are those that affect the body in a beneficial way. Sports supplements help to strengthen the body in conditions of specific physical activity. The current sports nutrition is protein, carbohydrates, fats, creatine, a lot of vitamins that are simply necessary for the body. Such supplements help the body recover from hard workouts and increase their effectiveness many times over.
Achievements in sports are directly related to proper diet. Anyone who starts to play sports must make up the right diet for themselves. It is likely that for this a person will have to give up many of their favorite foods. The food should replenish the amount of energy that he uses for training. You also need to determine the right amount of consumed proteins, carbohydrates and fats. And don't forget about minerals and vitamins. The generally accepted ratio of protein, fat and carbohydrates for an athlete is 1: 1: 4.
Protein is essential not only for people involved in sports, but also for any physically active person. Without consuming your daily protein intake, your muscles will not be able to recover normally after exercise. Protein is a building block for the entire body. The sources of protein are eggs (without yolk), chicken meat, fish and cottage cheese.
Carbohydrates are the basis for replenishing the body's energy reserves. We can say that carbohydrates are fuel for the body. In turn, carbohydrates are divided into two groups: simple and complex, they can also be characterized as fast and slow. The former act only for a few hours and are absorbed very quickly - these are fruits, sugar, vegetables. The second group includes all kinds of cereals. They last much longer, but they cannot replenish energy as quickly.
It is a mistake to believe that fats are harmful to the body and athletes completely limit themselves in fats. Fatty acids are essential for a person to feel healthy and vigorous.