Fat deposits on the sides bring inconvenience to many women. Getting rid of them is quite difficult, so their owners will have to make a lot of effort. The most effective remedy is exercise.

Effective exercise
First of all, in order to achieve a noticeable result, it is necessary to work out the lateral muscles of the abdomen and hips. Therefore, when composing a set of exercises for yourself, first of all, include in it bends, exercises for the press, as well as for the development of the oblique abdominal muscles. Dumbbells will make the exercises more effective. Regular exercise will burn calories and bring your body shape closer to ideal.
Start with body movements. Stand up, straighten up, spread your feet shoulder-width apart. Please note that your hips should remain still, keeping your hands at your waist. Turn your shoulders in different directions, moving the body after them, and the lower half of the body should remain completely motionless.
Knee up bends are also effective against the sides. To do this, standing straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Then squat slowly as if you were sitting on a chair. Hands should be clasped in the lock, being in the area of the right thigh. Straightening, draw an arc with your hands towards the left hip so that they move above your head. Raise your leg to hip level.
The exercise "bike" copes well with excess fatty formations on the sides. To do this, lie on the floor and, bending your knees, lift them up. Next, stretch your right elbow to the left knee, and vice versa.
Lateral lifts. Lie on your side and place your right hand behind your head. The shoulders should be turned so that you can clearly see the ceiling of the room. Raise the body 20 times in each direction.
If you want to make the exercise more challenging, try side bends with dumbbells in your hands. Lean to the right and raise your left hand above your head, then return to your original pose. Repeat everything the other way. You can also perform bends with your arms down. In this case, you do not need to raise your hands, bending over.
Fitball exercises
You can add variety to your workouts and make them more meaningful with a fitball. Exercising on the ball allows you to relieve the load on the joints and legs, while the abdominal muscles become more elastic. Fitball is unstable, so you have to constantly maintain balance, due to which fat is actively burned, and extra centimeters disappear. In addition, due to exercises on the ball, posture improves.
Pelvic movements allow you to engage the muscles of the buttocks and lower body and oblique muscles of the press. Sit on the ball, try to keep your back straight, and put your shoulders back, put your feet on the floor. Start rolling the fitball with your buttocks in all directions, without moving the body.
Bending over on one knee is a great way to lose weight at the waist. Kneel on the left side of the ball. Extend your left leg in front of you, bending it at the knee. Place your right hand on the ball, and put your left hand behind your head. Tilt your body slightly to the right, tilt to the left, while your hips should remain motionless.
Raises the legs. Lie on the ball sideways, with your hand resting on the floor. Straighten your legs, try to lean on the outer edge of the foot. Raise your left leg high and then return to the starting position. Do the same with the other leg.
Lie on the floor with your legs bent at the knees, laying them on the ball. Roll it from side to side. You can try squeezing the fitball between your knees and then raising your legs at an angle of 90 degrees - this will complicate the exercise. Then lower them in different directions.
Hula Hup
In addition, the sports hoop is very effective against deposits on the sides. The modern hula hoop can be made from a variety of materials and is equipped with all kinds of massage attachments and sometimes even calorie counters. It helps to reduce the size of the waist and sides, and also massages the abdomen and thighs well. Twist it for 15 minutes daily.