Every year, a huge number of new offers appear on the banking services market. A bank loan is now very relevant and in demand. He has become almost an integral part of each of us. In order to take money from the bank, you need to know about the required documents, tariff rates and the purposes for which the money is needed.

Step 1
Decide on the type of loan. They are:
Consumer loan (provided to individuals for urgent needs);
Car loan (provided to citizens for the purchase of a used or new car);
Commodity credit (provided to citizens for the purchase of furniture, household appliances and other consumer goods);
Mortgage loan (provided to citizens for the construction or purchase of housing);
Educational loan (provided to pay for tuition in educational institutions).
Step 2
Decide on the amount you need. Visit several different banks, find out about the conditions of each of them.
Step 3
Prepare a standard package of documents required for a loan:
Passport (registration must be in Russia);
Certificate of income (2-NDFL) from a permanent place of work (work experience must be at least 6 months at the last place of work);
The bank has the right to request additional documents from the borrower or to attract 1-2 guarantors.
Step 4
Submit an application form to the bank and wait for its consideration.