In pursuit of the perfect body, many women are wary of strength training, preferring cardio training. And these fears are understandable. Suddenly, a feminine figure will be spoiled by pumped muscles. But is it really so.

Strength training for men only
The female body has 15% more fat than men. This is due to the high levels of the female hormone estrogen and low levels of the male hormone testosterone. It is testosterone that helps build muscle mass. Therefore, it is unlikely that a woman can become like a bodybuilder. If you purposefully do not consume protein products for athletes.
The more often strength training is, the faster the relief will appear
Doing daily strength training can cause injury, sprains, and lower immunity. After intense training, the muscles need to recover and this takes about two days. Therefore, most instructors advise going to the gym 2-3 times a week. This is quite enough for the muscles to always remain in good shape without overloading the body.
Strength training affects flexibility
Many who strive for the perfect split and bridge from a standing position worry that increasing muscle mass will lead to decreased flexibility. However, properly selected and performed exercises will only improve flexibility. Since, squeezing one muscle, the opposite is stretched. While straining the biceps, the triceps are stretched at the same time.
Strength training promotes breast enlargement
Unfortunately or fortunately, this is the most common myth. The female breast is made up mainly of adipose tissue. Accordingly, it is not possible to pump it up. During training, the chest can be tightened. This is achieved by loading the small muscles above the rib cage, which attach to the humerus. And the only way to naturally enlarge your breasts is to get better.
Strength exercises can be done at home
You can, if you do them correctly and regularly. But if you are new to this business, then it is better to sign up for a gym and enlist the support of a trainer first. He will select a group of exercises especially for you, draw up a lesson plan and make sure that you do them correctly. After all, improper exercise with a load can be dangerous for joints, muscles with ligaments, and even for internal organs.
In addition, those who first took up strength training make a typical mistake - they forget about breathing. The standard pattern is to inhale while lowering the weight and exhale while lifting it. This helps maintain moderate chest and abdominal pressure. Many also hold their breath, which can lead to squeezing of blood vessels and improper distribution of pressure on internal organs.
So, by doing regular strength training, you can strengthen the osteo-ligamentous apparatus and reduce the amount of unnecessary fat.