Summer Olympic Sports: Dressage

Summer Olympic Sports: Dressage
Summer Olympic Sports: Dressage

Dressage is a form of equestrian sport (high school of riding). This is a competition in the skill of controlling a horse in different gaits, it takes place on a site of 20x40 or 20x60 m for 5-12 minutes. Dressage has been included in the Summer Olympics program since 1912, and in the World Championships since 1966.

Summer Olympic Sports: Dressage
Summer Olympic Sports: Dressage

Dressage is based on the science of raising a horse and shaping its character. In the process of these exercises, the natural characteristics of the horse are being improved and the harmonious development of its body. This is necessary to prepare the animal for a particular job.

Dressage, as an art of horse riding, originated in ancient times. According to one version, it was invented by the Hittites. Modern dressage rules are the result of the work of the Renaissance riders. In the 30s of the 16th century, the Neapolitan Frederico Grisone founded the Academy, where horses were taught complex tricks. The first riding schools were founded in Naples. Then there was a popularization of this spectacle among the nobles. Since 1912, dressage has been included in the program of the Summer Olympic Games. The basic requirements for an athlete are to make the animal move as gracefully as possible.

The modern competition program for the Grand Olympic Dressage Prize is based on the natural movement of the horse and the impeccable performance of the basic elements of the drill in the arena. These include: stride, trot, accepts, canter, backing, smooth transitions from one type of gait to another. From the old school of horseback riding, the competition includes elements such as piaffe (trot in place), priuets (gallop in place) and passages.

Technically, dressage is riding in a rectangular arena. It is carried out according to special programs. In them, all the elements are produced sequentially - from simple to more complex. The points between which the exercises must be performed are indicated along the walls of the arena. Large letters are installed next to them. If the arena is covered with grass, then on the middle line the points are marked with clipping, and in ordinary arenas - with sawdust.

The Athlete must control the Horse during this competition by moving the legs in the stirrups and using the bridle. He must do this discreetly. The task of the rider is to achieve complete obedience to the animal and develop in him the desire to move forward. The main difference between dressage and other equestrian sports is that the horse performs riding figures practically of his own free will, the rider only competently leads her to this. All this is achieved as a result of long training sessions. Dressage is the ultimate riding aerobatics.

Each element is rated on a ten-point scale. The horse is required not to wag its tail, grind its teeth, shake its head from side to side, and also change its legs in a canter at four, three, two and one pace (making a leap). The animal must maintain the shape of a "complete horse" - the neck is arched in a semicircle, the head is tilted along a plumb line, the tail is on departure.
