How To Hit In Boxing

How To Hit In Boxing
How To Hit In Boxing

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The dominance of oriental martial arts on TV screens and in cinemas undeservedly leaves aside one of the best forms of self-defense - boxing. A good boxer is a very formidable opponent, capable of knocking out more than one fan of the East.

How to hit in boxing
How to hit in boxing


Step 1

How is a good boxer different from a bad one? Firstly, he is excellent in hitting technique, and secondly, he works well in defense. And, thirdly, he has the right tactical thinking, allowing him to outplay his opponent.

Step 2

Master the technique of hitting. The correct blow is delivered not with the hand, but with the whole body. Imagine a lash - all the power of the swing is released at its tip. A good hit should be the same, in which the hand only transfers the full strength of the muscles of the legs and body to the target. A blow delivered only with a hand is weak enough and is usually used to distract the opponent, to feel his defense.

Step 3

Learn to strike both in a static position and in motion. One of the best counterattack options is to catch your opponent on his strike: dodge slightly without breaking the distance, and hit almost simultaneously with him. Try to take a short step to the left with a simultaneous straight right kick, and vice versa, step to the right with a left kick. It is important to understand how the movement of the body is embedded in the blow, it should be one continuous movement. If you step first and then hit, it is wrong. Catch a wave that begins with a sideways movement of your body and pass it to your hand.

Step 4

The wave principle is one of the most important. Moving and striking, all the time feel the movement of energy in the body, its rolls along the legs, body, arms. It is not necessary to hit hard first, it is important to find the right technique. After working for a while, you yourself will begin to distinguish between clumsy irregular movements - there is no force in them. And vice versa, correct movements are always filled with it.

Step 5

The strike technique is inseparable from the defense technique, they must be mastered together. Learn to combine defense with counterattack as described above. If you separate the dodge and the attack, then you waste time, the enemy has time to dodge. Conversely, their combination becomes very unexpected for him.

Step 6

Learn not to break the distance. Moving away, you give the initiative to the enemy. He hit, you retreated, he hit again … The correct option looks different: he hit - and fell, hitting your counterattack combined with the slope. For training, ask your partner to hit you in the face with short single straight punches - slowly at first, then faster and faster. Your challenge is to learn how to dodge without stepping back. Having learned the technique of dodging and combining it with simultaneous counterattacks, you will become a very dangerous opponent.
