It seems that gaining mass is very simple: it is enough to eat more fatty and sweet foods, without limiting the calorie content of dishes. However, following this path, you can only earn gastritis and obesity, and not a beautiful body relief. To build muscle, you need to eat right and exercise.

Step 1
To gain muscle mass, limit your intake of simple carbohydrates - pasta, bread, potatoes, sweets, and increase your protein and fiber intake. Best of all, if it is poultry, beef, lamb and non-starchy vegetables - zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes. Fruit is also a source of vitamins and minerals. But you should not eat them in large quantities. One orange or apple a day is sufficient. With a low calorie content, fruits and berries contain too many carbohydrates and, if consumed throughout the day, can cause an increase in body fat.
Step 2
Strength training provides muscle growth. But you need to do it right, increasing the load gradually. In order for biceps, triceps, etc., to grow constantly, exercises must be regular. Preferably every other day, then the effect will be maximum. Be sure to start your workout with cardio exercises - a treadmill, stationary bike, or aerobics. Then move on to strength machines, working on each muscle group. Please note that if you are overweight, you must first get rid of body fat with cardio. And only then proceed to building muscle mass.
Step 3
During your workout, drink water in small sips and often. The liquid removes harmful lactic acid from the body, which is formed after strength training. In total, you need to consume two or more liters of liquid per day. This will speed up the metabolism, fatty deposits will be broken down, and muscles will grow.
Step 4
It is best to entrust your body to an experienced trainer and work out in a fitness club. But if this is not possible, you can do it at home. Exercise courses are sold on disc at sports stores. Also, classes are easy to find on the Internet, for example, at All you have to do is purchase dumbbells and weights, or even use improvised means. For example, at the first stage of training, when you cannot lift too much weight, you can swing your arms and shoulders with the help of heavy books.