Anaerobic exercise involves a lack of oxygen in the muscles. This is achieved through intense exercise for a short period of time. Running one hundred meters is a prime example of anaerobic exercise.

Types of exercise can be divided into two types - aerobic and anaerobic. As for the first type, they are offered in fitness clubs. But with regard to anaerobic exercise, little is known to a wide range of people. If aerobic exercise means the presence of oxygen, then anaerobic exercise means its absence. The latter make the muscles lack oxygen. This leads to a build-up of lactic acid. After the acid is high, muscle fatigue begins.
Gradual exercises with anaerobic loads can increase the capabilities of the body. As for lactic acid, it starts to come out faster than usual. As a result, both strength and endurance increase.
Benefits of anaerobic exercise
At the moment, some experts agreed that it is with anaerobic loads that the indicators of the accumulation of strength and endurance improve. Plus, the process of losing weight is accelerated when compared with aerobic exercise. However, it is important how the loads will be applied.
In any case, with the help of anaerobic training, you can improve your body's capabilities:
- muscles are strengthened, and if protein nutrition prevails, their growth increases;
- the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems improves;
- the body's ability to resist toxins improves;
- the removal of slags is accelerated.
After workouts in which anaerobic exercise is performed, calorie consumption continues for another 12 hours. This leads to a rapid process of weight loss. Plus, when strengthening muscles, there is a large expense for maintaining them in good shape. This also leads to early weight loss.
Anaerobic exercise
A workout that is performed with anaerobic exercise lasts less time than with aerobic exercise. As a result, you can exercise for only 12 minutes every day, which will be equivalent to 40 minutes of running.
Here are a number of exercises that you can include in your workout to improve your physical condition:
- any exercises performed on simulators, with a barbell, dumbbells, etc.
- any exercise during which there is maximum mobilization, for example, running for a hundred meters.
If you decide to engage in anaerobic exercise, such as dumbbells, you should do several cycles of maximum exercise, which alternate with a short rest. So, you have seven kilograms of dumbbells. It is necessary to raise them as quickly as possible within a minute so that the hands are “hammered”. The number of repetitions depends on the physical form. The main thing is that you don't stop and slow down. After a minute of hard work, a minute of rest. After five to seven such cycles, the arms will become very tired, which will indicate that the muscles have done work.
For those who decide to engage in aerobic exercise on a stationary bike, you need to know that after a minute of maximum exertion, it takes one minute to work at an easy pace for breathing to recover. This applies to any exercise that is performed with anaerobic stress.
A number of nuances
Anaerobic loads "pump" the body, making it sluggish. Therefore, it is better to alternate anaerobic exercise with aerobic exercise. This will allow you to have hardy elastic muscles, high endurance and relief.
In addition, anaerobic exercise is shown only to those athletes who have a healthy heart. The fact is that the explosive pace instantly increases the heart rate, which affects the cardiovascular system.