Even skinny girls have tummy. Weak lower abdominal muscles bring despair to the most persistent women. Don't worry about a saggy belly - start working on yourself today.

Step 1
If you have a weak abs, it is very difficult to remove the lower abdomen. Start training this area indirectly by choosing simpler exercises. And when the muscles get a little stronger, move on to a more complex complex.
Step 2
Standing straight with your feet together, transfer the weight of your body to one foot. Lean forward slightly with your back straight so that your palm touches the middle of your calf. Freeze in this position for 5 seconds, the abdominal muscles are tense. Repeat - 12 times.
Step 3
Remaining in the starting position, lift one leg off the floor. Keep your posture, put your hands on your waist. Slowly squatting on one leg, pull the other knee towards your stomach. Do 12 reps for each leg. To remove the belly from below, it is very important not to transfer the load to the legs, but to tighten the knee by tightening the abdominal muscles. To do this, you need to push the pelvis forward.
Step 4
Stand in the same position, leaning on one leg. Bend the other leg at the knee and, by contracting the abdominal muscles, pull it to the chest. For half a minute, swing your hands, as in the exercise "mill". You don't have to rush - the main thing is to keep your balance. To do this, you can lean forward a little.
Step 5
With your feet hip-width apart, squeeze your lower abs and pull your spine up. Sit down in a plié so that your legs are bent at right angles. Now bend your back parallel to the floor and reach the heel of your left foot with the tips of your right fingers. Alternately changing hands, do the exercise for a minute.
Step 6
Take the starting position - legs are straight, hands on hips, ribs are slightly lowered to the pelvis. With a smooth movement, transfer the weight of the body to the right leg, and take the left leg with the toe pulled over yourself and a straight knee to the side at an angle of 45o. Change legs with a light jump. Swing for two minutes.
Step 7
From the starting position, take the semi-squat position, stretch your arms in front of you. As you inhale, jump out, grouping your muscles and straining your lower abdomen. In this case, the legs should remain at the same distance as at the beginning of the exercise. People call this exercise "frog". Do it at least 10 times without a break.
Step 8
With your feet hip-width apart, place your left hand on your hip. Take your left leg back so that it forms a 45 ° angle with the right. Reach up with your right hand. Now pull the knee of your left leg towards your right elbow. Try to keep your balance. Repeat the movements 30 times at a fast pace. Change your legs.
Step 9
When doing your daily workouts, do not forget about a balanced diet. Eat more fresh vegetables, grains and dairy products. Only an integrated approach can help remove the belly from below.