Flexibility is the range of motion in the joints. It can be different for each joint. Systematic exercise can help your joints develop maximum flexibility. For this, a special set of exercises has been developed, which is called stretching. Since flexibility depends on the elasticity of muscle fibers, which increases with increasing temperature, exercises to develop flexibility are done only after the muscles are warmed up.

Step 1
Before starting flexibility exercises, do exercises with bends, squats, and arm and leg rotations in the shoulder and hip joints. Gradually increase your range and range of motion. After that, you can start exercises to develop flexibility.
Step 2
Flexibility of arms and shoulders. 1. Clasp your hands in front of your chest, then straighten from forward, to the right and left, with your palms facing forward. 2. Place your hands on the back of a chair, perform several bends forward. Perform a springy swing with your arms as far as possible. 3. Clasp your hands behind your back in the lock, straighten your elbows, take your shoulders back and raise your arms. 4. Raise your left arm, bend it at the elbow and place your palm on your back. With your right hand, press on the elbow of your left hand, pulling it down. Change hands.
Step 3
Flexibility of the legs. 1. Stand up straight. Bend over slowly, touching the floor with your hands and trying to place your palms on it. Do not bend your legs. 2. Standing on one leg, bend the other and pull it to your chest. Change legs. 3. Standing on one leg, take the foot of the other leg with the same hand and slowly extend it to the side. 4. Sit on the floor, spread your legs as far as possible, make slow bends forward, lying on the floor with your chest. 5. Lunge. Place your palms on the floor on either side of your foot. Without lifting your palms off the floor, straighten your leg.
Step 4
Torso flexibility. 1. Stand with legs apart, bend over to your right leg, touching your heels with your hands, change legs. 2. Leaning forward, grab your shins with your hands, make several springy bends, helping yourself with your hands and trying to touch your legs with your forehead. 3. Sit on your heels, raise your arms up, lean back and lie on the floor. 4. Get on your knees, spread them as wide as possible, put your shins parallel to each other, bend forward, leaning on your forearms.