How To Breathe Correctly

How To Breathe Correctly
How To Breathe Correctly

Correct breathing is the key to health and longevity. Respiratory systems have been successfully used for body rejuvenation and treatment. These methods of treatment have come to us from India, Japan, China. In these countries, the cult of the improvement and development of your body is very high, perhaps we should think about it.

How to breathe correctly
How to breathe correctly

There are two ways to breathe. And contrary to belief, this is not breathing through the nose and through the mouth. It is about chest breathing and abdominal breathing. Abdominal breathing, or belly breathing, is the most natural type of breathing. If you turn your attention to the baby, you will see how quickly and rhythmically his tummy rises. With the passage of time, adults begin to unconsciously suppress this movement and breathe in chest breaths.

It will be very useful if you sit and breathe with your stomach at least once a day for 10-15 minutes. To do this, sit in a Turkish position, free your stomach and begin to inhale through your nose. Feel the diaphragm rise and you inhale. Paradoxically, but there is a sensation that can be described by the phrase "breathed in deeply." So breathe slowly and deeply. Believe me, such a breathing warm-up will benefit the whole body.

We decided to learn to breathe correctly, go to the end. It is not necessary to do body flex and yoga, it will be enough to perform a complex of inhalation and exhalation on the sofa or on the floor. Bring your legs under you, straighten your shoulders, release the diaphragm and take short breaths, exhaling through your mouth, then through your nose. Provoke the diaphragm to rise and hold it while inhaling, exhale gradually. Such a warm-up for the internal organs will be very useful, because sedentary work does not have a very favorable effect on their condition.

Constantly exercising is difficult, but it is much more difficult to breathe correctly all the time. It's one thing when you practice, and it's completely different when you get into the familiar atmosphere. You bend your back, fold your shoulders and start sniffling in one rhythm. This affects your body in the same way as improper nutrition, bad habits, the smog of the city.

Make every effort to maintain your youth and health. Start with your breath, because this is the basis of the vital activity of your body.
