The treadmill is an excellent machine that helps maintain a healthy and healthy body. In addition, it can help you lose weight. The benefits of exercising on a treadmill are obvious. It is important to do your workout correctly.

The benefits of classes
When exercising on a treadmill, the main load falls on the shoulder girdle, which is facilitated by active waves of the arms, and the muscles of the legs - the thighs and calves - also work hard. In addition, the press and intercostal muscles are actively trained.
This helps the lungs and heart function properly.
Exercising on a treadmill stimulates the body to use oxygen economically. Thus, cells over time try to use nutrients more efficiently.
It is worth noting that scientific studies have proven that running is great for relieving stress. So training on a treadmill helps to get rid of negative emotions and aggression. At the same time, we must not forget that stress is not only an emotional outburst, but also overwork - mental, psychological and physical. Prolonged exercise helps the body produce joy hormones, boosting mood and performance.
Also, one cannot fail to mention the burning of extra calories that occurs when exercising on a treadmill. You can achieve excellent results if you plan your workout correctly and adhere to the useful recommendations of specialists.
Many people stick to the handrails while on the treadmill so they don't fall and feel safer and more confident. This is a big mistake. When exercising on the treadmill, do not hold onto the handrails. This significantly reduces the stress on the leg muscles.
In addition, holding on to the handrails, the spine slouches, as the body leans forward while running.
Exercising on a treadmill at a certain speed, experts recommend choosing the required incline angle. It is impossible to find a universal technique by choosing the optimal parameters. Every person is different.
To lose weight quickly and effectively, treadmill workouts alone will not be enough. A special set of exercises should be considered using other sports simulators or loads.
The duration of the classes is of primary importance. Exercising for 10-15 minutes will not allow you to achieve the desired result and lose weight. During this time, the body is just beginning to warm up. It takes 40-60 minutes to train on a treadmill. Such an activity will allow you to lose 300-700 kcal.
Each lesson should start with a warm-up. This will prepare the muscles for the main load. After that, you must start running at a slow pace, gradually accelerating it.