In 1924, the Olympic Games were organized in Paris. For the second time, the French capital has become the venue for these sports competitions, beating Barcelona, Rome, Los Angeles, Prague and Amsterdam in the competition for games.

In 1924, 44 countries took part in the games. Germany was still barred from participating in the Olympic movement due to its aggression during the First World War. The Soviet team was also unable to attend the competition due to the non-recognition of this state by most countries in the world. Countries such as Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Haiti, Ecuador, Ireland, Mexico and Uruguay sent their athletes to the games for the first time. The largest number of athletes came from France.
At these Olympic Games, you could already see many attributes that have now become an integral part of such competitions. The opening and closing ceremonies of the games were held, in which the President of France participated. The Olympic motto appeared, which sounds like "Faster, higher, stronger!" The games attracted a large audience, and their organization was able to pay off. Gradually, the Olympiad becomes not only a sporting event, but also a kind of demonstration of the level of development of the country in which it is held.
However, the games of 1924 were very different from those of today. For example, women could compete in a limited number of disciplines. Out of 19 sports, they participated only in competitions in diving, swimming, fencing and tennis.
The first place in the unofficial team event was taken by the United States. The highest results were shown by American track and field athletes - runners and jumpers. Also, several gold medals were won by swimmers and tennis players, both men and women.
The Finnish team became the second by a significant margin. Runner Paavo Nurmi won 5 of the 14 gold medals for this country, both in the singles race and as part of the team in the relay.
The hostess of the tournament - France became the third. She represented the strongest team of cyclists and weightlifters at the Olympic Games.