Brad Pitt's character in Fight Club said, "You don't know anything about yourself if you've never fought." How much this corresponds to the truth is not worth judging. Another thing is that a street fight can lie in wait for you not only in a dark alleyway, but also in the hall of the highest class restaurant shining with lights. Therefore, you need to know how to win a fight.

Step 1
Try to get rid of excess clothing that might grab you. Take off your jacket, scarf, stay in one shirt or sweater. Try to stay away from objects such as steps or curbs that could trip over or seriously injure your head if you fall.
Step 2
Take a seat next to a bench or billboard that can cover you from behind.
Step 3
To deal with the excitement that comes before a fight, speak up. Speak and breathe actively. Do not grow into the ground in front of the enemy, move, shake yourself, jump. This will prevent the attacker from grabbing your breasts.
Step 4
If you see that a fight is inevitable, hit first. Yes, this is not gentlemanly, but you are not in the ring. But you get a certain advantage, as you strike at a stationary target. Such a blow will be more effective and, perhaps, after it the fight will end altogether.
Step 5
Do not limit yourself to one blow. Several quick, sharp blows do much more damage and exert severe psychological pressure. Hit in a series of two or three hits and immediately retreat to a safe distance.
Step 6
Forget the rules of decency. Strike with your head, knees, elbows, bite, spit in your opponent's face with relish. Your task is not to win on points, but to remain as intact as possible.
Step 7
Head bangs to the face from close range, otherwise they are useless. A strong blow to the bridge of the nose can turn off your opponent for a long time.
Step 8
Do not try to hit the body or head without fail. Kicks on the legs are no less effective, as they allow you to stop the movement of the opponent. And a sharp blow to the shin is one of the most painful. Hit in the groin only if you are sure of the strength of your blow, otherwise you will only infuriate your enemy.
Step 9
Move constantly. Don't give your opponent the opportunity to strike hard. Avoid direct blows to the head. Do not let yourself be cornered - it will be impossible to get out of there without severe damage.
Step 10
The main task is to always stay on your feet. If, nevertheless, you are knocked to the ground and kicked, do not lie still. Move, try to crawl, spin - this will make it harder to hit and you will receive fewer hits. Strive to get to your feet faster. You can portray an epileptic seizure - this will puzzle your opponent and give you a chance to return to a combat position.
Step 11
After stopping the attacker, do not try to finish him off. Get out of the battlefield. There is no guarantee that a well-armed company is in no hurry to help your enemy. It is better to get out of the fight in one piece than to prove your fighting viability to the company of aggressive-minded persons.