It is difficult to find a person in a modern city who is completely satisfied with his appearance and figure - hundreds and thousands of people are starving, exercising on simulators, sitting on exhausting diets, trying to lose extra pounds. However, sometimes the efforts are in vain. After all, no matter how much you try to lose weight, the weight does not get lower. The reason may be very simple - this weight is not superfluous for you individually.
Ready-made counters that measure the presence or absence of excess body weight do not always show reliable data. They do not take into account your unique personal parameters. Therefore, if you want to determine if you are overweight and measure it, it is best to use reliable methods.

Step 1
Modern experts, among the many ways to measure body weight, single out the method of measuring the intercostal angle, which shows your body type. Place your palms under the lower ribs so that they form a triangle and determine the sharpness of the angle at which they join. If this angle is sharp, you have an asthenic type of physique. If the angle is right, you have an athletic body type. People with an obtuse intercostal angle are of the pycnic type.
Psychotherapist Igor Litvinov has created a special table by which you can determine the most optimal weight for each type of chest. Find your parameters in the table and compare your available weight with those indicated in the table.

Step 2
Body mass index is a popular way to determine excess weight, and almost everyone knows its formula.
Write down your weight in kilograms and your height in meters. Divide the weight by the square of the height, and as a result, you get a universal indicator showing the norm or deviation from the norm in body weight. At the same time, different experts disagree on which number is considered the norm. Some call it 24, 9, others say that normal BMI ranges from 20 to 23. Numbers from 24 to 29 are signals of excess weight, and an index of 30 and above indicates serious overweight.
Step 3
The table of Michael E. DeBakey, an American heart surgeon famous for the first heart transplants, is based on the principle of correspondence of body weight to the health of the human cardiovascular system. Check out the table and calculate what weight DeBakey considers optimal for your height and physique. If the weight exceeds the indicated figure, your heart is in additional danger.

Step 4
It is no secret that each person has a unique type of metabolism, on which the parameters of the norm for his weight also depend. In particular, if you have a slow metabolism, the calculation of body weight according to the method of Barbara Edelstein is suitable for you.
The calculation is done in two stages. At the first stage, calculate the weight that you could have at a metabolic rate. Calculation formula: to 45 kg, add 1 kg for each centimeter of your height above 150 cm, and also add 0.5 kg for each year of life over 25 years old. This parameter should not exceed 7 kg.
At the second stage, the obtained data are corrected.
• add from 4.5 to 7 kg;
• then add 4 to 7 kg (if your body weight is 90 kg);
• add a few more kg (if the body weight is over 100 kg).
As a result, you will gain weight that you can strive for without harm to your health.