Many girls dream of having a beautiful figure. The biggest disappointment is usually the extra volume on the buttocks. It will help to reset it by following some recommendations and performing a number of exercises.

Hoop, bike
Step 1
Lose excess weight. In women, it often collects in the lower body. The extra pounds will also carry away the weight from the buttocks. To do this, it is better to take the advice of a dietitian and not listen to dubious advertisements for miraculous drugs and diets that can harm your health.
Step 2
Don't use the elevator, go up and down the stairs. Walking like this trains the muscles of the buttocks, removing excess weight. Processes that normalize the circulation of blood and lymph take place.
Step 3
Take a daily walk for about an hour. If this is not possible, get off the transport a few stops earlier, walk a little, preferably around the square. The pace of walking should be fast enough.
Step 4
Spin the hoop in your spare time. This exercise has the most beneficial effect not only on the buttocks, but also on the entire lower body. In addition, it is most optimal if you cannot devote time to more serious physical activity every day.
Step 5
Squat more often without lifting your heels off the floor. In this case, squats do not have to be deep. The main thing is to maintain correct posture. This easy exercise, performed at a convenient time throughout the day, perfectly removes those extra pounds from the buttocks and tones the muscles of the whole body.
Step 6
Cycle outdoors. You can work out on a stationary bike in the gym. Cycling will save you those extra inches on your buttocks.
Step 7
Train regularly. You will get a real effect from exercise if you tune yourself not only to achieve a result, but also to subsequent constant physical exercises for the normal functioning of your body. In this case, be sure to follow the diet and physical activity.