How To Check The Load

How To Check The Load
How To Check The Load

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Visiting the fitness club has become a good form. And this is great, because the health of an individual is the health of a nation. Only a few of the athletes are engaged with a personal trainer. Well, the desire to save money is understandable. In such a situation, the ability to choose the right load becomes very important. Both underload and overloading lead to decreased results.

Heart rate measurement is one of the most reliable ways to select a load
Heart rate measurement is one of the most reliable ways to select a load


Heart rate monitor


Step 1

One way to check your exercise level is to check your heart rate. For good self-control, you need to know your resting heart rate (RHR). The higher your physical fitness, the lower your heart rate. Knowing the RHR values, you can analyze the effect of exercise on your body over a certain period, for example, a week. To do this, at the beginning of the period, measure your resting heart rate. Then, within 30 seconds, do 20 deep squats. Measure your heart rate again. In an untrained healthy person, the heart rate will increase by 70 - 90%. The pulse will return to its original level only after 2-3 minutes. Perform the same test at the end of the designated period. With an increase in fitness, the percentage of increase in heart rate should decrease, and the rate of recovery to the previous level also decreases. The lack of positive dynamics in this aspect indicates insufficient loads.

Step 2

While working on the simulators, you can constantly monitor your heart rate using wrist heart rate monitors or special options built right into the simulator. To avoid overloading, you need to know your maximum heart rate (EMHR). It is very simple to calculate this value: subtract your age from 200. The resulting figure is the desired indicator. Do not allow your heart rate to exceed the EMHR for long periods of time during strength and aerobic activity.

Step 3

By calculating your maximum heart rate, you can also calculate what is known as a fat-burning zone for yourself. This figure is equal to 65–70% of the EMHR. For example, you are 28 years old, so your EMHR is 200 - 28 = 172 beats per minute. Your "fat burning zone" is between 112 beats per minute and 120 beats per minute (172x65% and 172x70%). This indicator should be calculated in advance. When doing aerobic exercise, control your heart rate, and you will achieve much better results than when doing work based only on subjective feelings. With a lower intensity of exercise, you will build muscle mass.

Step 4

Measuring your heart rate immediately after training and 10 minutes after it will help you determine the level of stress received during training. If the pulse, measured after 10 minutes, decreased by 30–40% in relation to the pulse immediately after training, then the load was moderate. Reduction of the pulse rate by 20-30% indicates an increased level. And if the pulse decreased by only 10–20%, it means that the load was high.

Step 5

In addition to measuring the heart rate, there is another opportunity to understand the comfort level of the load. This method is especially convenient for those who are involved in jogging. This is the so-called "speaking speed". With moderate activity, you can talk comfortably. The higher the load, the more difficult it is for you to talk while driving. This test can also be used during power loading. With normal exertion, you can say one or two sentences between inhalation and exhalation. If you cannot do this, then the load or pace is too high for you. This is okay, but shouldn't go on for too long. This load should be dosed, for example, during high-intensity interval training.
