One of the problem areas for most women is the legs. It is there that fat begins to accumulate with age, which makes the legs not as attractive as before. The slenderness and beauty of the legs is largely dependent on proper nutrition and, of course, exercise.

When talking about leg exercises, two types of exercises should be noted:
- exercises that help burn fat;
- strengthening exercises.
The first type of exercise will help to cope primarily with the excess of accumulated fat. Fat burning exercises include cardio loads. The simplest of these are running, climbing stairs, jumping rope, and cycling.
Engaging in this kind of physical activity regularly, you can lose weight not only in the legs, but also lose overall weight. You just have to devote to the type of classes you like for about 30 minutes, two or three times a week. In addition to burning fat, it is possible in this way to make your legs more toned and give them a beautiful shape.
The second type of exercise is designed to directly strengthen the muscles of the legs. The exercises will also not take much time. You can allocate 20-30 minutes a day in the morning, in the evening, during the lunch break. You do not need to perform all the exercises in a row - you should choose the most optimal for yourself, taking into account the peculiarities of the body structure and the most problematic areas.
You need to stand up straight, straighten your back, put your hands on your belt, and your feet shoulder width apart. Squatting is best done slowly. When your knees are at a right angle, you should freeze a little and then slowly straighten up. It is best to perform the exercise in two sets of 15-20 times each.
If you squat, lifting the heel, the calves will be pumped first, if standing on a full foot - the hips and buttocks.
You should lie on your back with your hands behind your head. Raise your legs so that they form a right angle relative to the floor level. Spread your legs as wide as possible, and then cross them. So repeat 15 times in two sets.
You need to sit down as low as possible and straighten your back. Take your time to roll from one leg to the other. It will be enough to do 10-15 rolls on each leg.
Swing your legs
Stand straight, bring your legs together, tighten your abs. It is advisable to rest against something with your hands (edge of a table, back of a chair). Swing your legs to the side as high as possible. Do 10 reps with each leg. You can also swing your legs forward and backward. This exercise also contributes to good stretching.
Putting your hands on your belt, take a wide step forward, bend your knee at an angle of 90 degrees. Return to starting position. Do 15 times in two approaches.
Lie on your side with your legs extended, leaning on your left hand. Raise the extended right leg up 90 degrees. Lower (not to the floor) at an angle of 45 degrees. Repeat without lowering your foot to the floor eight times. Then repeat that ee eight times through the pass: the leg stretched horizontally should be bent at the knee, then stretched up. Bend at the knee again, extend at an angle of 45 degrees. Repeat the same on the other leg.