Running will require very little of you: only three workouts per week are recommended, lasting at least twenty minutes. Spending so little time, you will improve the work of the heart and blood supply, strengthen the muscles, and optimize the work of internal organs. How do you get started?

Step 1
Find the right running clothes. It must not interfere with your movements and must be breathable. It's easier to run with a minimum of clothing. But if the air temperature is winter, in the region - 20 ° C, then you should put on two suits. The lower one is made of a material that allows air to pass through, and the upper one blocks it and retains it. This will create a thermal air gap between the layers of the garment.
Your shoes should be perfect for running. It is important. Sneakers should fit snugly around your foot, but not apply pressure. They should not put pressure on the ankle joint or around the Achilles tendon, and the thumb should not touch the toe of the shoe. For running in different conditions, you need a slightly different boot design. Thickening the outsole towards the heel is essential to absorb shock as you descend. The grooved outsole provides better traction. Both the first and second are good when you train on country roads. Running in the stadium requires spiked shoes. They should be positioned along the outer edge at the front. If you're running on a hard surface, choose a shoe with a resilient rubber sole.

Step 2
Warm up the tendons and muscles before running. To do this, warm up before starting your run. The warm-up time depends on the weather and the distance you are running. Warm up longer in cold weather and if you plan to run medium or long distances. Five to ten minutes is enough to warm up. Walk briskly with your arms. Move with rolls from toe to heel. Do some squats. Do a series of stretching exercises. Pay special attention to your leg joints. So the whole warm-up is over.

Step 3
Run relaxed. Let your arms dangle and your legs move without straining your knees. They should only lift slightly off the ground. And the whole feeling of running should be pleasant and relaxed. Real runners even relax their facial muscles, leaving their mouths ajar as they run. Running should be fun and relaxing, not the other way around.
Step 4
You need to start running gradually. At first, alternating between running and walking, increasing the running intervals over time. Every time, start running at a leisurely pace, do not run at full speed at once. Also slowly end your workout. You can't stop running suddenly, jog slowly, then walk and only then you can stop. If it is cool outside, it is advisable to immediately go into a warm room. Change into dry, warm clothing. Have a warm drink. You can lie on your back on a hard surface.
Sometimes, after a workout, you may feel a lack of energy. Do not be alarmed, everything will be restored. The next workout, in this case, is best done not every other day, but after two or three. It also requires a break from training if you feel unwell, you get sick. Postpone running for a week after the last symptoms disappear. And then start training as if you have never run before. Gradually increasing the duration and distance.