The muscles of the arms lose elasticity with age, become flabby and sag. Excess weight also negatively affects the appearance of this part of the body. You can restore the former beauty of your hands with the help of diet and special physical exercises.

Step 1
Even the taut muscles of the arms under the fat deposits look unattractive. To lose weight, you need to reduce your calorie intake. The calculation must be made taking into account the physical activity, as well as such physical parameters as your height, weight, gender and age. There are many online services on the Internet where you can calculate the daily calorie intake for weight loss with maximum accuracy. Pay more attention to the quality of food, avoid starchy foods, sweet and fatty foods.
Step 2
Physical activity is a prerequisite for toning the arm muscles. In addition to the obvious benefits for muscle tissue, exercise improves metabolism, reduces body fat, has a beneficial effect on skin condition and fights cellulite. For the arms, crawl and breaststroke swimming, playing volleyball, rowing a kayak and a special exercise machine are useful. Simple exercises such as push-ups and pull-ups on the horizontal bar are very effective.
Step 3
In order to make your arms beautiful and fit, you need to pump three shoulder muscles: biceps, triceps and deltoid muscle. For classes, you will need to purchase dumbbells or wrist weights, the weight of which needs to be selected, focusing on your physical fitness and general body parameters. A thin woman of small stature can take half-kilogram weights, and a large girl with professional sports experience can use dumbbells weighing 3 kg.
Step 4
Before exercising, warm up the muscles by performing several circular rotations with your hands back and forth. The deltoid muscle is strengthened by raising the arms up. Stand straight, lower your arms with dumbbells along your torso. Raise your arms, slightly bent at the elbows, to the sides to shoulder level. Repeat 7-10 times. Raise your straight arms in front of you to chest level. Do it 7-10 times. Lift the dumbbells along your torso to armpit level. Do it 7-10 times.
Step 5
The biceps can be toned with the following exercises. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lower your hands with dumbbells and turn your palms forward. Bend your arms slowly, making sure that your elbows do not come off your body. Repeat 7-10 times. Take two dumbbells in your palm and bend your arm as in the previous exercise. Do it 5-7 times with each hand.
Step 6
Triceps is rarely used in everyday life, so this muscle, as a rule, looks the most saggy and flaccid. Its tone can be increased by performing the following exercises. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lower your arms with dumbbells along your torso, turn your palms towards the body. Lean forward. Extend and bend your arms vigorously. Do not lift your elbows from the body. Repeat 7-10 times. Lie on your stomach. Extend your arms with dumbbells along your body. Raise your arms up, trying to keep them parallel to each other. Repeat 10-12 times.