This simple technique was developed by Japanese specialists. In 5 minutes a day, it allows you to return the skeleton to its natural position, changing the shape of the body and making the back smoother and the waist thinner.

Step 1
Roll a tight roller 40 cm long and 7-10 cm thick from a towel. Tie the roller with a thread so that it does not turn around.
Step 2
Sit on a firm horizontal surface (couch, massage table or on a tourist mat on the floor), gently lower yourself onto your back and put the roller so that it is across the body under the lower back - exactly under the navel.
Place your feet shoulder-width apart and "clubfoot" bring the feet together: the thumbs should touch each other, and the heels should be at a distance of 20-25 cm.
Step 3
Bring extended straight arms behind your head, turning them with palms down and connecting them with your little fingers. If it will be difficult to straighten your arms completely, then put it down as it turns out.
The main thing is that the little fingers and the big toes are in contact. Lie in this position for 5 minutes.

Step 4
If everything is done correctly, the skeleton will immediately begin to take its natural form and the stomach will miraculously be "pulled" into the body.
It should be noted that this process can be painful. You need to start with 1-2 minutes, gradually increasing the time every day. The results will be visible in about a month.