Protein is a building block for muscles. It is found in foods such as meat, fish, cottage cheese, cheese, milk, eggs, etc. But for professional bodybuilders and even amateur athletes, the amount of protein that is in these products is not enough for normal muscle growth. They are advised to take protein - concentrated protein. The main task is to choose the right type of sports nutrition for yourself.

Why take protein
To build muscle, you need protein, which you can get from ordinary food. But the amount of protein in it is limited. Moreover, heat treatment deprives products of a large number of nutrients.
Sports nutrition, especially protein, helps a bodybuilder to get the trace elements and vitamins necessary for his body.
Protein is easy to consume. It replenishes the body with amino acids and protein, which are perfectly absorbed.
How to Pick a Good Muscle Building Protein
There are several types of protein:
- whey (quickly absorbed in the body);
- casein (absorbed for a long time, therefore it is ideal for use before bedtime, in addition, it has a wonderful amino acid composition);
- gainer (contains not only proteins, but also carbohydrates).
For gaining muscle mass, any of the listed types of protein are suitable. Each athlete should choose it for himself, since some people tend to be overweight, while others, on the contrary, find it too difficult to gain weight. So, for those who have a tendency to quickly gain weight, it is better not to buy a gainer, since it contains a large amount of carbohydrates. And for those who cannot gain weight, it is recommended to take exactly protein-carbohydrate cocktails.
To choose the right sports nutrition, pay attention to its manufacturer. Focus only on popular brands that have proven themselves in the market, such as SAN, Optimum Nutrition, BSN, Universal, QNT, Weider, Twinlab, Muscletech.
It is not recommended to save on protein, if possible, choose one of the more expensive ones for yourself.
Ignore advertisements for any kind of sports nutrition. Take some time to compare the composition of several protein blends to find the perfect one. Read reviews of this product and recommendations from professional bodybuilders.
Do not buy new items, do not need to experiment on yourself. Choose a manufacturer that has been on the sports nutrition market for at least three years.
Most importantly, remember to consume protein in conjunction with proper diet and good exercise. If you eat fast food and skip gym classes, sports nutrition is unlikely to help you much. An excellent result can only be obtained by spending maximum effort.