Many people begin to engage in sports with the sole purpose of burning as many calories as possible during exercise and losing weight. And for this, those who want to lose weight need to know the factors that affect the increase in energy consumption of the body, as well as the types of physical activity that ensure maximum burning of calories.

What affects the rate of calorie burn
The first factor affecting the rate at which calories are burned is oxygen consumption. The more oxygen, the higher the metabolic rate and energy consumption of the body. Try to check your heart rate after exercise: a high heart rate means that you breathe frequently and calories are consumed quickly, a low heart rate signals that the load is low and the body's energy consumption is low.
Another factor affecting energy consumption is the intensity of the classes. It is not enough to increase oxygen consumption only during exercise. Intense exercise speeds up your metabolism for a day, so calories are spent heavily after exercise, even when you are resting.
The weight of the losing weight also affects the rate of calorie burning. With the same load, overweight people spend more energy than thin people. However, there is a slight subtlety: the rule of large weight only works when jogging and walking, but weight does not affect the rate of calorie burn during swimming or exercising on an exercise bike.
What physical activity is the most energy consuming
Roller skating and skating can burn 500 to 850 kilocalories per hour. Such high energy costs are due to the fact that this physical activity requires the work of many muscle groups, as well as constant balance. To increase the burning of calories, alternate the speed and amplitude of movement: roll slowly, then quickly, then in large strides, then in small steps.
Jogging causes the body to waste up to 750 kilocalories per hour. During running, all large muscles work, the heart and lungs are trained, and the tissues are saturated with oxygen. To increase energy consumption - run at different speeds and not along the track, but over rough terrain.
Jumping rope allows you to burn up to 700 kilocalories per hour. This highly effective workout is a favorite for boxers and women looking to get rid of cellulite. To increase metabolism, take a short rope and jump on two legs, then on one, change the pace of the jumps.
Rotating the hoop helps you get rid of 400-600 kilocalories per hour. Such a load not only burns calories intensively, but also helps women to shape a beautiful waist. A suitable hoop should reach your chest when placed on the floor. Remember that a light hoop is more difficult to rotate, which means that the energy consumption will be higher.
Energy-intensive sports also include aerobics (420 kcal), basketball (350), walking (450-500), cycling (250-450), swimming (250-400), tennis and badminton (400-550), skiing (500 kilocalories). Choose a physical activity to your liking, burn calories and become more beautiful!