How To Learn To Stretch

How To Learn To Stretch
How To Learn To Stretch

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Without regular stretching exercises, any workout can end in disaster. Stretching teaches muscles to move with great amplitude and helps improve performance in sports such as athletics, swimming, tennis, basketball, and parkour. Stretching exercises make muscles more elastic and muscle strength increased.

How to learn to stretch
How to learn to stretch


Step 1

Never do stretching exercises without warming up your muscles. Spend 5-10 minutes jogging or jumping rope. This will awaken the nerve endings in the muscles and make the ligaments more elastic.

Step 2

The best time to stretch is between strength exercises and at the end of your workout. Strength loads increase the volume of the muscles and make them shorter, stretching allows you to correct this. Plus, while stretching, you calm your heart rate and normalize your breathing.

Step 3

Do static stretching if you're an inexperienced athlete. Static stretching is done at a slow pace. At the point of highest tension, the athlete must fix the position of the body for 10-20 minutes.

Step 4

Don't get stuck in a static stretch for too long. With prolonged stretching, the muscles lose their ability to contract and accumulate motor energy.

Step 5

Do dynamic stretching if you have been into bodybuilding or sports such as basketball, tennis, or swimming.

Step 6

Lock the position at the maximum point of tension, and then do spring movements three times for 20 seconds to further increase the stretch of the muscle fibers. Move slowly, controlling muscle tension.

Step 7

Stretch until you feel the ultimate tension in your muscles. In any case, do not bring the matter to pain. Never do stretching exercises in jerks. Return to the starting position just as slowly.

Step 8

Stretching exercises are somewhat similar to oriental psychophysical training systems such as yoga or tai chi. For the correct execution of stretching, you need to focus on the work of the muscles and complete inner focus.

Step 9

Incorporating stretching exercises into your daily workout routine, or doing them at lunchtime, will help your body to invigorate, improve brain function and increase muscle tone.

Step 10

Never hold your breath while stretching. Begin the exhalation movement and inhale as you return to the starting position. Breathe evenly and calmly while fixing the posture.

Step 11

The stretch should be symmetrical. If you've spent 30 seconds stretching the right side, spend the same amount of time stretching the left.

Step 12

Physiologists say that dynamic stretching is more indicated in the morning, and static stretching in the evening, when the muscles are warmed up enough.
