Usually, the question of how to get better and increase the volume is puzzling today - after all, all around you only hear about diets aimed at losing weight. However, there are actually not so few people who are underweight.

Step 1
Do not believe the common myth that the more you eat, the faster you get better, especially if you lean on cakes and baked goods. Thin people have a fast metabolism, so a large amount of food simply will not have time to digest. In fact, you need to eat as much as the body requires, so that instead of attractive roundness you do not get stomach problems. Nutritionists advise eating at the same time three times a day. Portions should be sufficient to satisfy your hunger, but not huge.
Step 2
Thin people often complain of a lack of appetite, which is why they are limited to one meal per day. To stimulate appetite, it is useful to drink a glass of water or juice a quarter of an hour before meals, to eat some spicy or exotic snacks.
Step 3
For people wishing to gain weight, a protein-carbohydrate diet can be recommended, in which about forty-five percent is allocated to carbohydrates, thirty percent to fat, and twenty-five percent to protein. In the event that it seems to you that you consume less fat, drink kefir or milk with a high percentage of fat.
Step 4
For the formation of muscle tissue, chicken can be recommended. Do not forget that your task is not to increase the belly due to fat deposits, but to gain weight due to the formation of muscle mass. Despite the fact that sweets are an excellent supplier of carbohydrates, they should not be abused even by the thin ones, so as not to disrupt the digestive processes.
Step 5
And, of course, special attention should be paid to physical exercise, which should not be exhausting. The best program for you is the one that will help distribute calories evenly throughout the body. This could be swimming, yoga, or even regular morning exercises.
Step 6
You need to work your lower abdominal muscles. This can be done by raising the pelvis from a supine position. The pelvis must be torn off the floor. The hips move towards the chest.
Step 7
The oblique abdominal muscles should be pumped. Perform twisting movements while lying on your back. When performing such an exercise, first one shoulder blade comes off the floor, according to this, one part of the chest moves to the opposite thigh. By lifting your upper body without twisting, you will also train your obliques. Lateral torso bends will do.
Step 8
Upper abdomen is the third task of the day. To do this, while lying on your back, lift your upper body. The shoulder blades are lifted off the floor, the ribcage moves towards the hips