How To Lose Weight From Aerobics

How To Lose Weight From Aerobics
How To Lose Weight From Aerobics

The main boom in aerobics came in the late 1980s. It was then that slender fit girls in colored leggings called on screens to lose weight with the help of simple dynamic exercises. American Jane Fonda is considered to be the ancestor of aerobics. It was she who created and contributed to the popularization of aerobics throughout the world.

How to lose weight from aerobics
How to lose weight from aerobics

Types of aerobics and proper nutrition

If you want to lose weight through aerobics, remember that you will only succeed if you consume fewer calories than you spend. Therefore, try to eat a balanced, low-calorie diet first, and then start exercising. For an hour of intense aerobics, you can lose an average of 400-450 kcal.

Today there are about 30 types of aerobics. Choose based on your preference. Zumba, dance aerobics, step aerobics, power aerobics, jazz aerobics, sports aerobics - all these activities will help you quickly lose weight and find the desired shape. If you just want to lose weight, sign up for classical aerobics. Zumba and dance aerobics will not only help you lose weight, but also develop a sense of rhythm and good plasticity. Step aerobics and strength aerobics are good for improving body definition and muscle drying.

Doing it at home

If you want to lose weight through aerobics, you don't have to sign up for a fitness club. You can safely practice on your own at home. This is a great option for young mothers who are losing weight and busy business women. Indeed, for most types of aerobics, you do not need special equipment, such as dumbbells or exercise equipment. In addition, you can practice at any time convenient for you. You can read many books on aerobics, but video tutorials are better.

Power aerobics classes according to the records of Jillian Michaels will help you lose weight. Try to train three times a week according to her programs "Weight Loss in 30 Days" or "Boost Your Metabolism" and after a month of regular training you will see tangible noticeable results.

Watch aerobics training video with world-class trainer Claudio Melamed. His fiery, optimistic and energizing activities will not only help you lose weight quickly, but will also be a great start to your day.

The intensity of the load and the duration of employment

If you're just starting out with aerobics, start exercising two or three times a week. Once you get used to exercising regularly, you can increase the number of activities and make them daily. But know, if you do aerobics every day, like any other intense physical activity, you will lose weight quickly, of course, but your muscles will not have time to fully recover. You will lose not only adipose tissue, but also muscle mass. The fact is that during intense strength training, our muscle fibers are torn, and the body needs 48 hours to build new ones. The optimal time for one lesson is one hour, maximum one and a half.

Regular aerobic exercise will not only help you lose weight, but will also make you stronger, strengthen your heart and circulatory system, and improve tissue oxygenation. You will have more energy and sleep better.
