With the onset of winter, it becomes necessary to fill the ice rinks. Indeed, in cold weather, hockey comes to replace yard football. But filling the ice rink is not an easy task. One simple device will help to fill in absolutely even ice.

To create a device for high-quality filling of the rink, you will need a sled with a flat horizontal surface, a container for water that will be installed on the sled, three lengths of a water pipe by a meter with a diameter of 1/2 or 3/4 inches, a connecting tee, a tap, a wire, two connecting nuts and two plugs. You will also need a piece of burlap or any other dense material about a meter wide and no more than 50 centimeters long. Any plastic or iron barrel that fits on a sled is suitable as a container for water.

First you need to make a water divider. To do this, screw two pipe sections into the tee. Drill holes with a diameter of three millimeters along the bottom surface of the resulting workpiece. Holes can also be made with the tip of a knife if plastic pipes are used. Cut the wire into 10 centimeter pieces. Fasten the wire in the form of hooks along the entire length of the pipe at the same distance. Screw the third piece of pipe into the tee, having previously cut it off, measuring the distance from the edge of the sled to the container with water. Install a tap in the pipe. Hang a thick cloth or burlap on the hooks installed, which will serve to distribute the water evenly.

Make a 1/2 or 3/4 inch hole in the bottom of the container, depending on the size of the pipe. Slide the lock nut onto the pipe. Insert the pipe into the water tank and secure it with another nut from the inside. Use any sealant to seal all threaded connections. Apply sealant to the outside of the threaded joint if this structure needs to be disassembled during the summer.

Pour the required amount of water into the container. The temperature at which the pouring can be carried out should not be higher than –10 ° C. Filling the roller should be started from the corner farthest from you, moving along its entire length. Adjust the tap to the desired water flow and start pouring. Water, flowing along the entire length of the pipe through small holes, will drain onto a piece of dense matter and be evenly distributed over the surface of the roller. The skating rink will turn out without ice lumps and with an almost perfect flat surface.