Probably everyone at least once in his life dreamed of losing a couple of extra pounds. We start to torture ourselves with diets, excessive sports, when we could just start to be more attentive to what we eat and how. Excessive absorption of food leads to the emergence of magnificent forms, which we then begin to carefully get rid of. How to moderate your appetite in order to stay in shape without harming the body?

Step 1
Forget about snacks once and for all with your favorite buffet rolls, sweets brought by a friend, and other sweets. As a rule, such collective snacks are accompanied by funny conversations, and we lose control over how much we ate. The result is obvious, well, or on the sides. So if you're watching TV, reading a book, chatting with friends - no heavy snacks. Better to eat an apple, a few nuts, or dried fruit. Eat the main food in a relaxed atmosphere. And no later than 3 hours before bedtime

Step 2
It has long been noticed that married ladies get fat more often than their single friends. The fact is that, setting the table for dinner, women put on their plate exactly the same amount of food as for a beloved man. And they begin to gain weight. So remember how much you put on your plate and put half as much
Step 3
The main meal should be in the morning - this is your breakfast. Eat scrambled eggs, and even sandwiches, if you really like them, but only in the morning. So you stimulate all the metabolic processes of the body to work. It is not for nothing that there is a proverb "Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to the enemy."
Step 4
Drink a glass of warm water half an hour before meals. Only not in one gulp, but slowly, with pleasure. Then during the meal you will eat much less. And the body will quickly get used to small portions.
Step 5
Stop tormenting yourself with diets - after leaving the diet, the body will not only regain the lost pounds, but also "bring friends" - you will quickly gain weight, you will want to eat all the time. As a result, you will eat a lot.
Step 6
Try to eat fried, starchy, spicy, spicy foods less often. Replace these dishes with vegetable, stewed, steamed ones. Of course, you shouldn't completely abandon your favorite crispy chicken, just eat it once a week.
Step 7
Forget junk food, which is full of unhealthy fats. But take vitamins, healthy teas, decoctions and infusions that reduce appetite more often. For example, a decoction of fresh parsley, mint infusion, green tea.