How To Do The Plank Exercise

How To Do The Plank Exercise
How To Do The Plank Exercise

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The plank is a static exercise. The main muscles involved in performing are the abdominals. Also, the muscles of the back, legs, buttocks, arms are strengthened and, in general, muscle tone and posture become better. But you need to do the plank exercise correctly. Otherwise, you can hurt yourself.

How to do the plank exercise
How to do the plank exercise


Step 1

To do the plank exercise with maximum efficiency, you need to correctly take the starting position. When viewed from the side, the back should be perfectly straight from the crown to the pelvis. The spine should be in a straight line. If you begin to hunch over or bend over, the effectiveness of the exercise is significantly reduced.

Step 2

Make sure that the head during the exercise is in such a position that the chin looks at the floor at a right angle.

Step 3

Do not put too much stress on the shoulder joints. Therefore, the elbows must be placed under the shoulders during the plank. The hands should be closed and form a triangle. No need to strain your hands. They are just an additional fulcrum.

Step 4

The abdomen should be pulled in, and the abdominal muscles should be tense. The abdomen should not be allowed to relax during the exercise, and even more so that it should not sag. The meaning of the plank exercise is to keep the muscles as tense as possible, while being in the same position.

Step 5

The biggest challenge when doing the plank is the position of your back. Make sure that the lumbar spine does not bend. Otherwise, a negative load on the vertebrae will be created. To do the plank exercise correctly, you need to imagine that your back is leaning against a wall or a chair and keep it in that position.

Step 6

Tightening your glutes throughout the plank will help you maintain balance. Don't forget this. After all, short-term tension of the buttocks is also good for the body.

Step 7

Legs should be straight. It is unacceptable to bend them at the knees. Tensioning your hip will help stabilize your core.

Step 8

The feet are also pivot points. You just need to rest your toes on the floor. It is also important to know that when performing a plank exercise, the closer the feet are to each other, the higher the load on the press.

Step 9

During the exercise, you cannot hold your breath. It should be even and calm. Otherwise, problems with the cardiovascular system may arise.

Step 10

You need to do the plank exercise 3-4 times a week, at least every other day. This will give your muscles the rest they need. The minimum execution time is half a minute. It is advisable to do 3 to 4 approaches. If you can safely complete the required number of sets of 2 minutes or more, then complicate the exercise.
