The comfort and health of the rider depends on the quality and features of tailoring specialized clothing for cyclists. Special bicycle ramps will help to avoid skin abrasions due to excessive sweating.

Step 1
The question of choosing a cyclist's outfit should be taken as seriously as choosing a bicycle.
The degree of ride comfort, safety and prevention of typical rider injuries will depend on the correct choice of sportswear and accessories.
"Cyclist's pampers" are one of the important parts of professional equipment, practically irreplaceable if you plan to spend a long time on the saddle of a bicycle and travel long distances.
Step 2
What is a cyclist's diaper? This is a durable nylon or suede pad with a foam filler, sewn into special cycling shorts.
The main purpose of this pad is to remove excess moisture and excess heat from the cyclist's body and prevent skin scuffs.
Pampers consist of several layers, the top and side of which, as a rule, have an antibacterial coating, and the inner part is filled, which ensures anatomical fit of the pad to the body.
Step 3
When choosing a diaper for a cyclist, first of all, you should pay attention to the cut of the cycling shorts: when sewing equipment, the anatomical features of the structure of the male and female bodies, their difference in proportions, are taken into account.
There are several types of bike pads in shape and take into account not only the anatomy, but also the shape of the bike saddle and the riding style.
The fit of a cyclist-racer and a cyclist who prefers a free style is very different, therefore, when choosing a diaper, this feature should be taken into account.
Step 4
The most popular is the V-shape of the bike amp, because The bifurcated back significantly increases the flexibility of the pad and allows for the closest fit to the rider's body.
Cyclist diapers with a rounded back are next in popularity: a dense backing dampens vibrations and absorbs shocks well when traveling on uneven roads.
Hourglass-shaped cyclists' diapers are close to the anatomical shape of the human body, and differ only in size in men's and women's shorts.
Step 5
In addition to these details, when choosing clothes with cycling ramps, you should pay attention to the following nuances:
- the diaper should be sewn to the shorts neatly, without protruding threads and rough seams - with a long ride, such seams will rub the skin severely;
- the material from which the bicycles are made can be either with antibacterial impregnation or without it, preference should be given to the first one;
- do not wear underwear if you are using shorts with cycling amps: underwear will rub the skin and interfere with sweat removal;
- when choosing a diaper for a cyclist, preliminary fitting is extremely important: too tight shorts cause stagnation of blood in the legs and quickly rub the skin.