How To Invite To The Game

How To Invite To The Game
How To Invite To The Game

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It so happens that you want to play basketball, hockey or football, but you cannot recruit enough players for a match. Then you have to either change your plans, or chase the ball in splendid isolation. If you still want the game to take place, check out the recommendations below.

Recruiting people to play is not that hard
Recruiting people to play is not that hard


Step 1

Call your friends. The easiest way to recruit people for a sports game is to call your friends and invite them at the appointed time to the appointed place. It all depends on your environment. If you have a lot of people you know who love to kick the ball or puck, then you can easily cope with the task in this first step.

Also, the ease of the task depends on the sport you choose. For example, six people will be enough to play streetball, but if you want to play football on a real field, then there should be at least 22 players. And in the second case, you will hardly find so many friends who can all get together at one time. Even on weekends, don't rely heavily on phone calls to play soccer.

Step 2

Create a thread on the forum. The place where it is easiest to recruit a large number of strangers for the game is specialized sports forums. Create a theme, write there the time of the game, its approximate location and, if possible, the level of the players you want to see on the game. Otherwise, due to the different level of technique and training of the participants, the game may lose sports intrigue.

There is also a danger that you will not be very comfortable with your new casual acquaintances. However, here you need to prioritize: do you want to play with a small but familiar company, or do you want to play a real game, but with people new to you.

Step 3

Take the ball to the playground. Quite often, teams for games are recruited spontaneously and quickly. All you need to do is go to the football field or basketball court and start to warm up. If you have a ball, as a rule, there are fans of playing sports right there who will keep you company. The main thing is that you are lucky with the weather.
