The luge team relay is another type of program included in the Olympic Games.

Relay is the most unpredictable type of competition in luge sports. She first entered the program of the Olympic Games in Sochi and belongs to the team competition. Unlike similar competitions in figure skating, this discipline has already been successfully tested at the world championships. In fact, the history of this type of competition is not so new - for the first time such a relay was held back in 1989.
Four athletes take part in the team race, and the race itself is divided into three stages. The first race involves single sledges (man and woman); and the competition ends with a male deuce. First, a single athlete passes the track, who must pass the baton by touching a special device. Then a man-luge begins his race, who also passes the baton to the men's two through an automated system. The travel time at all stages is summed up, and the final result of the team is obtained. The team that shows the fastest result wins.
The leading position in the world rankings is occupied by the German national team, which will be difficult for other teams to compete with at the Olympics. But the Russian team has already climbed the prize podium several times, so our athletes have every chance of winning the Olympic medal.