Push-ups are the most affordable way to maintain excellent physical shape, moreover, through this exercise you can form a beautiful figure: broad shoulders and a narrow pelvis, developed chest muscles. However, there are types of push-ups aimed not at the formation of relief muscles, but at the development of purely physical characteristics of an athlete, one of which is explosive strength.

The meaning of cotton push-ups
As a rule, young people are faced with the need to learn how to do push-ups with cotton in the sports section, where the coach gives the command to perform this difficult and even, to some extent, traumatic exercise. What are the goals pursued in this case? To understand the mechanism of action of this exercise, you need to dig a little in theory.
Such a goal is set by people who practice playing sports, for example, basketball, handball or football, as well as martial arts fighters, whose striking technique, by definition, requires the development of explosive power, that is, the ability to develop maximum effort in a muscle in a minimum time.
Technique of execution
Take an emphasis lying, hands shoulder-width apart, body straight, chin raised and gaze directed forward. Get down as low as possible, it is desirable to touch the floor with your chest. And then abruptly, using all your explosive power, straighten your arms, trying to lift both palms off the floor. This is the first, simplest stage of "explosive" push-ups.
Having mastered this type of push-ups, move on to the next, which, in fact, is the topic of this article. If in the previous exercise you developed exclusively strength, now you will have to work on coordination. While jumping, at the moment when you lift your palms off the floor, do a clap. This condition imposes the need: first, to jump high enough to have time to clap your hands, that is, to develop a great effort when lifting off the floor; secondly, develop coordination in order to be able to clap and return the palms back to their place.
There is a third degree of skill in performing this exercise - three claps: in front of the chest, behind the back, and again in front of the chest, but beginners should not even think about it, and why - this will be discussed in the next section.
Safety engineering
What dangers await an athlete when performing this exercise? The most sad consequences await you if you do not have time to return your palms to their place after the clap and, thus, fall with all your weight on your relaxed hands. This is fraught with bruises and sprains, and in the worst case - and broken arms. In addition, you can fall directly on your face, again without having time to substitute your hands. Therefore, it is so important to master this type of push-ups gradually, moving from simple to complex: start by simply tearing your palms off the floor, after a week go to single clap, and only after a month, when the skill appears, try to increase the number of claps.