What is needed to reduce massive and well-nourished knees? After all, with slightly sharp and beautiful knees, the legs look extremely attractive and sexy. Sometimes it happens that even with rather slender legs, the knees do not differ gracefully, and in order to purposefully reduce this particular part of the body, you will have to be inventive! So how can knees be reduced?

Step 1
Lack of mobility and the absence of any physical activity often contribute to the deposition of fat in the knees. Poor circulation reduces the body's ability to process and properly distribute fat, hence loose muscles and ugly deposits. Therefore - walking or jogging in the fresh air, cycling or exercising on the simulator every week about 2-3 times. Ordinary walks are slower, but no less effective, and they affect the whole figure and legs in general, making their shape harmonious and fit. Walking is also great for burning calories and strengthening your joints. So take a walk for about 30-40 minutes every day, which, moreover, has a good effect on your mood.
Step 2
Do yoga - it stretches the muscles, saturates the tissues with all the necessary substances and develops the muscles. Every morning, start with a 5 minute stretch: just try to tilt your head as low as possible to your feet. Do this exercise as slowly as possible, trying to focus your sensations on the pleasant warmth in the muscles and release the pain by relaxing. This exercise will not give immediate visible results, however, it will start the transformation processes in the muscles and joints and develop them perfectly.
Step 3
You can also try the following exercise: sit on a chair with your back straight, strain your leg at the foot, as if making a 90-degree angle with the lower leg. Now try to lift your leg several times, contracting only the knee muscles. Try to engage the upper muscles, not the lower ligaments of the knee and hip! It takes skill and concentration, but you will soon get the hang of it and feel great about your body. At the initial stage, you should perform this exercise first with one and then with the other leg, but after a while, focusing on the necessary muscles, you will be able to perform it with both legs at once. Try to perform 40 to 50 movements in one approach.
Step 4
It is very useful to massage your knees with a hard washcloth and rub in a moisturizer during your daily shower, which improves blood circulation and increases elasticity! It also helps to reduce subcutaneous deposits.