How To Pump The Press At Home

How To Pump The Press At Home
How To Pump The Press At Home

To correct your figure, you can pump the abs at home. With the right approach to exercises, a positive result will be noticeable after two to three months.

Press pumping
Press pumping

Every person wants to have a beautiful figure. But in order to look beautiful, you need to constantly take care of your body. This applies not only to hygiene procedures, but also nutrition, physical activity.

Exercises on the press correct the figure

Most of today's people suffer from excess weight and the presence of a belly. This is a consequence of a sedentary lifestyle and poor diet. To remove the belly along with fat deposits, you can use a tool available to everyone - to pump the press. It is important that you can do abdominal exercises at home, choosing the training time yourself.

In any kind of human activity there is a certain set of rules, observing which you can guarantee the achievement of success. This also applies to working with the muscles of the press. Below are some basic guidelines to help you get the most out of your abs at home.

Fundamental rules

Breath. It is very important to breathe in during exercise with loads, and exhale when relaxing. A number of fitness instructors recommend exhaling quickly and vigorously. In their opinion, this helps to quickly get rid of the fatty layer on the stomach.

The right place. Choose a comfortable place to study. The best option is a flat hard floor on which a rubber mat is placed. Never try to pump abs on the couch and on the bed. Often in such cases, injuries occur.

Training time. The best option is to engage in abdominal muscles in the morning. Exercise should take place on an empty stomach. If it is not possible to train in the morning, you can train in the evening, but 2, 5 hours after dinner.

Uniform loads. Do not chase records under any circumstances. For the first two weeks, the muscles will get used to the work routine, so exercise until you feel mild muscle soreness. It is important to remember that if pain does not come, then there is no load on the muscles, or they are well developed.

Psychological attitude. Do not think about anything else during class. Concentrate on the abdominal muscles, your sensations, breathing. This will help you achieve good results in a shorter time frame.

Warm up and cool down. Warm up before each session to warm up your muscles. At the end of the workout, lie quietly on the floor, stretch. This will help you recover faster and not injure your muscles.

At the moment, there are a number of exercises aimed at pumping the muscles of the upper, lower, lateral press. This is raising the legs to 90 degrees, followed by lowering, and raising / lowering the body and "bicycle", and twisting when lifting the trunk, and spreading legs raised 15-20 centimeters from the floor … There are many exercises. It is important to perform them correctly, while maintaining a straight posture.

Exercise should be done every other day to give your muscles a chance to relax. Only after a few months can you increase the number of classes in a weekly cycle. At first, three workouts are enough.
