A strong muscular frame provides support for the spine, the condition of which depends on the quality of human life. If you do not train the spinal muscles, then over time the muscles will atrophy, and the load on the spine will increase.

Step 1
When doing back exercises, use additional weights. Lightweight dumbbells (0.5-1.5 kg for women and 5 kg for men) can significantly increase the load, and with several sets, this muscle work will be most effective.
Step 2
Do posture exercises at least three times a week. If you have included exercises for the back muscles in your usual complex, then make sure that your workouts are regular. For a separate complex, which includes exercises only for working out the back muscles, it is enough to allocate two days a week, but they must be performed intensively and at least half an hour.
Step 3
Do exercises to train your shoulder and shoulder blades. Place your feet about 20-30 cm apart, take a dumbbell in each hand, and lift and lower your shoulders with partial rotation. As you inhale, lift your shoulders, then pull them back a little and lower them down. The movement should be repeated at least 10 times - perform the complex 2 times.
Step 4
Pull-ups are very good and develop not only the muscles of the arms and shoulders, but also work out the back. The exercise is complex, but quite effective, so you should start performing it, already having initial training. You can pull up quickly, but you should descend slowly.
Step 5
Build your back muscles. Stand straight, take dumbbells, bend forward without bending your back. Pull the dumbbells to your chest - release and raise your arms. The heavier the dumbbells are, the higher the effectiveness of the exercise.
Step 6
Do stretching exercises. From a prone position, raise your arms, neck, head, and legs at the same time, contracting your abdominal muscles. If you get tired quickly or feel painful, then lift only the upper body, let your legs lie on the floor. Do 2 sets of 10 times. In the same starting position, raise your chest and neck, leaning on your hands - the amplitude should be sufficient, the arms should be fully straightened.
Step 7
Get on your knees, rest your hands on the floor - raise your left leg and the arm of the same name and straighten them. Fix your body position at the stretch point, then slowly lower your arm and leg. Repeat the movements for the other leg, 10 times for each side.