How To Build Abs With A Minimum Of Effort

How To Build Abs With A Minimum Of Effort
How To Build Abs With A Minimum Of Effort

A big belly spoils the figure of even slender girls. To get rid of this deficiency, the fair sex uses various diets, massage, physical activity. The persistence of women leads to good results. But not all ladies have great willpower, this does not mean that they will not be able to get strong abs and a toned stomach. Such women need to perform a small set of exercises every day, which in 2 to 4 months will lead to the desired effect.

You can build abs with simple exercises
You can build abs with simple exercises

Exercises for the lateral abdominal muscles

Stand up, put your hands behind your head, spread your legs wider. As you exhale, tilt to the left, while trying to make sure that the body goes exactly to the side. In this position, you will feel that your lateral muscles and abs are very tense. As you inhale, lift the body, and as you exhale, tilt it to the right. Do the exercise 18 times in both directions.

Lower your arms and bend from side to side at a fast pace. At the same time, try to fix the hips in one place and work only with the upper body. Perform the exercise for 1, 5 minutes.

Exercises for the press

Stand straight, lower your arms, put your feet together, focus all your attention on your hips and abs. With an exhalation, direct the pelvis as far forward as possible, round the lower back and back. With an inhalation, return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 14 more times.

Lie on your back with your arms and legs positioned as you like. Begin to breathe in your belly, when you inhale, inflate it, exhale at a slow pace. When the stomach is completely down, tense the abdominal muscles and hold your breath for 3 seconds. Then perform at least 15 such breathing cycles. After a few repetitions, you may feel dizzy. In this case, go back to your normal breathing, rest a little, then continue.

Bend your legs at the knees, as you exhale, press your hips to your stomach, hold your breath for 2 seconds. Inhale and stretch your legs up. Repeat the exercise 5 times. Then complicate things: when inhaling, do not place your legs at right angles to the floor, but slightly tilt them towards the surface. So you will feel that the lower press is included in the work more intensively. Repeat the movement 5 times. Further complicate the exercise, make the angle to the floor more acute. After 5 reps, lower your legs to the floor and rest.

Raise your legs up, keep your hands behind your head, press your lower back completely to the floor. Inhale, and as you exhale, lift the upper body off the floor. As you inhale, lower your back to the floor. Do 20 lifts. If physical fitness does not allow you to hold your legs for a long time, perform 3-4 approaches.

Place your palms under the buttocks, keep your legs raised, try to straighten your knees as much as possible. When exhaling, raise the pelvis above the floor by about 4 cm, lower it with inhalation. Do 15 to 18 repetitions.

Continue lying on your back. Begin to perform the "bike" movement, keeping your feet low above the floor. Pay attention to the sensations in your back, if it starts to ache, raise your legs a little higher and continue the exercise.
