How To Pull Up On A Horizontal Bar More Than Your Limit

How To Pull Up On A Horizontal Bar More Than Your Limit
How To Pull Up On A Horizontal Bar More Than Your Limit

A technique that you can apply in various competitions for the best performance. Without expecting it, you will pull up more than usual and find out your real maximum number of repetitions.

How to pull up on a horizontal bar more than your limit
How to pull up on a horizontal bar more than your limit

This information is suitable for everyone: both those who are pulling up a small number of repetitions, and those who already have high results. As a rule, professionals and advanced ones already have their own scheme of successful performance in competitions. And if you are one of those who have not yet compiled it, then it's time to think and do it. Want to surprise yourself and do more pull-ups? Read on and apply this method! The result will impress you!

It should be noted that this article is not about how to build, but about how to "squeeze" the maximum out of yourself and do more reps than you can. Although, if you practice it more often and wisely, you can pump up and increase strength.

So, 6 tips for increasing the number of pull-ups on the bar.

1. Before the approach of pull-ups to the maximum, you need to warm up well (although this is understandable). Let's see how to do it right.

Do not think that it is better not to hang on the horizontal bar at all! On the contrary, the whole trick is that you have to do two sets with breaks of 3 minutes 5 minutes before the performance. If you pull up, for example, 15, do 2 sets of 5 times (break 3 minutes between them). If 30 times, do 10. That is, this is one third (1/3) of the maximum.

This will be the warm-up.

2. Never squeeze the bar too much!

Some people advise doing this, but this is not true. When you "grab" the horizontal bar with all your might, your forearms will quickly clog up, and your biceps will be unnecessarily strained. This will negatively affect the result.

Let's say a person can usually do 20 reps at the maximum. If he squeezes the bar strongly, after the tenth time his radial bones will already "ache". Agree, you don't need it.

You need to hang relaxed, keep as weak as possible. But do not overdo it, because then you will simply slip off. Find this "golden mean" for yourself. Believe me, it will be very useful to you!

In all-around events, pull-ups are most often allowed only with the upper grip. There are 2 options for how to grab (choose the one that works best for you).

- with a thumb girth of the bar. Standard.

- no thumb grip. In this position, the forearms are the least clogged.

3. Positive phase.

At the start, you should pull up at an accelerated pace. This does not mean jerking and swinging, which no one can count!

You just need to accelerate, but cleanly start pulling up in order to develop some inertial speed. It will help conserve energy resources, which are needed to achieve the best result.

Do not pull up evenly in speed - there will be unnecessary expenditures of strength.

4. Negative phase.

In this phase, you need to almost completely relax the muscles, especially the biceps and back. To do this, descend rapidly. Just do not fall, but sink.

Here, as in the positive phase, the task is to maximize the saving of muscle energy.

5. Even if you do a lot of pull-ups, at the beginning of the set, do not make the mistake of many - do not pull up fast.

That is, after making a repetition, do not start the next one right away in order to allow energy resources to enter the cell. Going down, take a short pause (0.5-1 sec) and completely relax!

6. Learn to transfer the main load from the biceps to the back and vice versa.

Biceps pull-ups are pull-ups closer to the bar, and on the back - farther from it, leaning back. It is very important here to feel that you have more clogging. For example, if this is biceps, then it is better to alternate: closer to the horizontal bar, then further from it.

Due to the fact that one muscle group tenses more than another, one of them has a little rest.

Use these tips, create the right tactics for yourself that will be more effective, and apply them! You are guaranteed to pull up more than you expect from yourself.

Don't forget to exercise, friends! Most importantly, do it wisely. Remember that great results do not come overnight; it takes time and work. As Kris Heria said, "Perfect technique takes perfect practice."
